Оповіщення про роботу

Хто ми

Trivium Packaging — це міжнародний постачальник металевої упаковки для провідних світових брендів, яку можна переробляти безліч разів. На більш ніж 60 об’єктах компанії у різних країнах світу працює близько 7500 співробітників. Ми створюємо майбутнє упаковки, щоб зробити нашу планету кращою — для нас і для наступних поколінь.

Ми робимо надзвичайно важливо справу — постійно впроваджуючи в галузь нові інновації, та отримуємо нагороди за наші рішення щодо упаковки. Trivium — це нова компанія із понад 125-річним досвідом. Вона була створена в 2019 році шляхом злиття лідерів галузі, корпорації Exal та Global Food & Specialty Business Ardagh. Ми забезпечуємо наших клієнтів комплексною підтримкою — від створення упаковки та графіки, до виробництва та логістики.

Наші співробітники — це серце компанії та основа нашого успіху. Ми переживаємо захоплюючий етап трансформації й прагнемо залучити різних працівників для обміну знаннями та досвідом. Працювати в Trivium означає бути частиною спільноти, яка постійно взаємодіє та має спільну мету — створювати справжню цінність для наших клієнтів, людей і нашої планети.

Найновіші вакансії

Plant Manager

Supply Chain Director USA

OSG Engineering expert

Site Services Engineer

IT Manager - Service Management 1

Історії співробітників

I’m inspired to give the best of myself

Hamza Asfouri
Hamza is a Human Resources and Project Manager based in Paris, France

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I joined Trivium in 2020, not long after it was formed. There’s a lot of enthusiasm about becoming the world leader in metal packaging and acting on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. I wanted to be a part of it and see what would happen.

As the first person recruited by my direct manager, I learned that “HR Inclusive Policy” were not just words for her but describe the real actions of a global strategy. And every day since then I have been inspired to give the best of myself.

Helping to modernize the company’s HR services is no humdrum routine. I can wake up in France, Morocco, the Netherlands, Korea or the Seychelles to face an incredible wide range of challenges. At the end of the day, I always realize how much Human Resources is about humans and not just resources.

If you do want routine, you can find it at Trivium, but for people looking to tackle big challenges, there a great opportunities. No matter what the pressures of the day are, I always share the pleasure of working here with my colleagues around the world. And the more it goes on, the more I like it!


Hamza Asfouri
Hamza is a Human Resources and Project Manager based in Paris, France

I’ve grown professionally in my role

Arjan Allkja
Arjan is an Aerosol Ends Department Manager in Italy

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I worked in metal packaging first as a mechanic, then a shift manager, and I’m now Aerosol Ends Department Manager at Trivium in Italy. Every morning I meet up with shift leaders to plan activities and discuss any issues from the previous day. I record the data from the presses and all maintenance activities. I manage the material movements in the spare parts warehouse and schedule interventions of external technicians.

The team has long been focused on standardising output and increasing automation. Through automating the more dangerous processes, we have improved the machine safety and there have been no injuries in our department for several years.

I have grown professionally in my role and trained other colleagues in my team. I started studying English and working with other plants in the company from the Netherlands to the Czech Republic.

I like to work on new projects, such as the downgauging of materials and finding new ways to reduce maintenance activities. I collaborate with other managers to continuously improve and solve various issues. I like my job because gives me the opportunity to improve every day on both technical and organizational aspects.

Arjan Allkja
Arjan is an Aerosol Ends Department Manager in Italy

I don't stop until we reach our targets

Daniele Noto
Daniele is a Quality Manager in Italy

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I came to Trivium from a much smaller company and at first, I worried whether my knowledge would be enough for this global firm. But with the help of my colleagues, I learned a lot, and now I’m confident managing all the situations that come up.

I need to have a good knowledge of all the processes, from the beginning of the customer design building for prints in the studio to the final making of cans or components. My job is not just to check and ensure the quality of our products and processes conforms to Trivium standards and customer expectations, but also to issue the documents we need to engage with customers, suppliers and auditors.

I’m focused on two areas, firstly satisfying the customer – you need to achieve the best quality that you can with the tools that you have. But I’m equally focused on avoiding problems in production – such as minimising scrap and any loss of efficiency. I don't want to stop until I find the right way to reach our targets.

Being between the customer and production is the best thing about my job. It means you need to make big decisions, and that helps you develop in your career.

Daniele Noto
Daniele is a Quality Manager in Italy

It’s an opportunity to learn something new

Zdravko Atanasov
Zdravko is an IT project manager in Hungary

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I used to be a software engineer focused one specific area, but as an IT project manager for Trivium, I’m learning more about different technologies. In metal packaging, nowadays everything’s integrated and you’re using many different IT systems. I get to see the bigger relationship IT has with the business, and I’m gaining more knowledge about financial data.

I meet with colleagues at the Business Service Centre in Budapest and also do a lot of video calls. As a project manager, obviously the main job is the delivery of the project, but it’s the way you deliver it, right? I like to have more personal discussions so I can really understand what the issues or blockers might be, so we can mitigate and fix them. You need to be on top of these things so you can report that to management anything that could impact budget, scope, timeline or resources. The passion and motivation of colleagues helps us overcome challenges as a team.

I'm someone who's not afraid of change. If I’m assigned to do something that doesn’t seem to be related to my role, many people might think ‘why should I do it?’ but for me it’s an opportunity to learn something new.

Zdravko Atanasov
Zdravko is an IT project manager in Hungary

My job is about bringing plans into reality

Lotte van Reisen
Lotte is a Production Assistant, End Department, in Deventer

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I studied product design and engineering. I was working in manufacturing and wanted to move back to Deventer from Utrecht to be nearer parents so I could support them. I looked for jobs within a seven-mile radius, because I can cycle there and back.

I chose Trivium because I like the mechanics of it, and the fact that we are making a physical product. When I go to the grocery store, I can check the letters on the can and see if it’s one of ours and what plant it has come from.

One of the things I check on is spoilage – keeping it as low as possible. We have cameras and sensors that take readings, so I stay on top of this data and make any adjustments needed. I also help implement the 5S system to keep the workplace in good order and efficient.

I like the process of thinking ‘how can we make things?’ and ‘how does it work?’ I went from the drawing board to the place where things are actually made. My job is all about bringing plans into reality. There are always issues that you need to understand and overcome through feedback and collaboration. The people here are passionate – they really want to make good easy opening ends.

Lotte van Reisen
Lotte is a Production Assistant, End Department, in Deventer

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